Managing Director - Investments, Financial Advisor
Welcome to the Wells Fargo Advisors site for the professionals of Ernst & Young (EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity) using the EY Independence Monitoring System.
Through this website, you can learn more about the broker import feature of the Independence Monitoring System offered by Wells Fargo Advisors and the Independence, Ethics and Compliance group of EY. This feature will automate the input of Wells Fargo Advisors brokerage account transactions to your Independence Monitoring system account via nightly downloads of your investment position data.
To participate, you must grant Wells Fargo Advisors permission to provide your holdings information for each acount to Ernst & Young by completing the attached form. You can then forward the form to Ask Independence under the Catagory Broker Feed.
Your individual broker will have limited knowledge of this functionality. If you have questions related specifically to Wells Fargo Advisors, or to either open a new account or transfer existing accounts from other firms to Wells Fargo Advisors, please contact Craig Friedman at 212-205-2925.