Hello, this is James Mayer, Branch Manager, from the Huffman Mayer Paolo Wealth Management group of Wells Fargo Advisors.

I want to talk to you today about how assistance is provided at the grocery stores.  If you are like me, you usually get a text message from your spouse to pick up a few items at the grocery store.  I am not going to lie, sometimes I get things that are on that list that I don’t even know what they are, let alone where to find them in the store.

Some grocery stores have different approaches when helping their customers find items. Let’s take a look.

JAMES: Excuse me sir can you help me find the vegan free range chicken breasts…?  Trust me there have been some strange requests on my list, no wonder I can’t find them.

BAD EMP: They are next to the regular chicken or over there in aisle 7 maybe… or try Walmart.

Yet in some other stores, the experience is completely different. Like this…

GOOD EMP: Sir you look like you could use some help, what can I help you find?

JAMES: Oh thank you sir. I’m looking for free range vegan chicken. I can’t seem to find it anywhere!

GOOD EMP: The vegan chicken is in aisle 8, let me show you where it is, we also have actual chicken and a vegan substitute that is on sale, I hope you understand Mr. Mayer, there is no such thing as vegan free range chicken, why don’t you get some of each and hopefully that is what your wife wanted…

Why am I talking about my experience at the grocery stores you may ask? Well when I get a list from my wife, which store do you think I want to go to?   The one that is happy to help me, the one that doesn’t make feel like I ask dumb questions, which I usually do, or the one that walks me through the process of getting everything on my list, so I can come home a success.

We believe that is the same kind of atmosphere we should provide our clients when planning for and maintaining their retirement.  Questions about any aspect of your retirement we will get you answer, if we don’t know the answer we will tell you that and use our resources to find you an answer, you will not hear look over there or try another store.

Find a team that will work and walk alongside you the whole time.

We always want to talk with you.  If you feel you know someone who would enjoy this video please feel free to send them the link.

As always stay happy, safe, and healthy and hopefully we will see you very soon.

The views expressed by Huffman Mayer Paolo Wealth Management Group are his own and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Well Fargo Advisors or its affiliates.

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