Hello, this is James Mayer, Branch Manager, from the Huffman Mayer Paolo Wealth Management Group of Wells Fargo Advisors.
When we think of investments, we tend to think about money.
You buy some stock, and you hope that stock will pay dividends and you will make more money.
Of course, anything can be an investment as long as you spend it hoping to get back more later.
You might invest some time into work on Thursday so you can take off early on Friday.
It’s never a bad idea to invest some work into eating and sleeping well so you have more energy throughout the day.
Just think of the dividends you’d get in return after investing your attention in a skill you always wanted to develop.
I know this sounds like common sense, but how often do you actually think about your expenditures (financial or otherwise) in terms of money, time, energy, and attention?
Learn to see past the costs of your investments. Focus on the returns.
We always want to talk with you. If you feel you know someone who would enjoy this video please feel free to send them the link.
As always stay happy, safe, and healthy and hopefully we will see you very soon.