Hi there James Mayer, quick thought I wanted to share today is, we had a new prospective client come in and it’s always fascinating to me when you go over someone’s financial situation and you see that their assets are spread around numerous places. This was a scenario that had over 20+ different accounts that they were using for their liquid investments, and they were getting some guidance, some interesting guidance to say the least. When I see some that’s retired and they’re later in their life and they have assets all over the place.


I am immediately thinking of.

How does this complicate my tax situation?

How does this make simply filing the taxes getting all those 1099’s and all those documents together?

How does that make things so much harder?

How can I consolidate and simplify and keep a better eye on the accounts that I am managing?

So, when I see a scenario like this, it always make me think, what’s the point of having assets spread all over.

We want diversification just like our clients do.

We want them to take the least amount of risk as possible.

We want them to be able to easily see all their assets.

Make good financial decisions and to be able to access cash flow when they need it.

Just a quick thought when you see assets spread all over the place it just makes me start asking questions, why? How can I make this more simple? What benefit is there in having things spread all over numerous places like that?

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