Hello, quick thought this evening. I was meeting with a couple recently and we're talking about their plans for retirement. And quite often as I'm getting to know people, I ask them when they want to retire, and the husband said to me he wants to retire at 58. He had the date in mind, 2028 September. He's going to retire on this date. And it seemed interesting. Quite often I hear people say, I want to retire at 59 and a half, or 62 or 65, and there's specific reasons for all those dates you can get into your retirement accounts.


You can start social security early; you can get Medicare. All these numbers were things that I have heard in the past, but 58 is one I hadn't heard before. And his actual answer was no, James, it's not 58, it's the day before I turned 58 or something like that.


And the reason he wanted to retire at the day before he turned 58 was because he did the math, and it was technically a day less than when his father retired.


He wanted to be able to retire a day before his dad did. And the reason for that was up to him. He just thought it would be a cool goal to have.


The point I am trying to make here is that when we build plans for retirement, I'm not really concerned about why you have these goals.

I want to understand them. I want to help you figure out if they're attainable and find the action items that we need to take to make them happen. But this was just another one. And they, uh, amazing things I learned from meeting with people is that people's goals are specific to them and they're very important to them. And our job as a financial advisor is to help them try to attain them. So quick thought, whatever your goal, we're happy to try to help you attain it. Thank you.

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