00:00:00.036 --> 00:00:07.376
Many high-income earners
contribute the maximum

00:00:07.606 --> 00:00:10.556
to their employer provided
retirement plan every year,

00:00:10.686 --> 00:00:13.656
yet are still not confident they
will have the retirement income

00:00:13.726 --> 00:00:16.076
to maintain their desired
standard of living.

00:00:16.076 --> 00:00:17.396
They may also be concerned

00:00:17.396 --> 00:00:19.546
that their retirement
income will keep them

00:00:19.546 --> 00:00:20.876
in the top tax bracket.

00:00:21.196 --> 00:00:24.506
A strategy incorporating life
insurance could be the answer.

00:00:24.776 --> 00:00:27.376
Though best known for helping
meet death protection needs,

00:00:27.706 --> 00:00:29.386
due to its unique tax treatment,

00:00:29.636 --> 00:00:32.966
life insurance can also provide
an additional way to save

00:00:32.966 --> 00:00:35.386
for retirement, through
tax-deferred growth

00:00:35.386 --> 00:00:36.726
of its cash value.

00:00:36.726 --> 00:00:39.896
Here are three scenarios to help
demonstrate how it could work.

00:00:39.956 --> 00:00:44.026
For this example, let's
assume the goal is $250,000

00:00:44.056 --> 00:00:45.756
in yearly income in retirement.

00:00:46.156 --> 00:00:49.396
In scenario one, after
maximizing contributions

00:00:49.396 --> 00:00:51.806
to your 401k and
taking advantage

00:00:51.806 --> 00:00:54.666
of your employer's match-you
could potentially take all your

00:00:54.666 --> 00:00:57.326
retirement income from
tax-deferred assets.

00:00:57.496 --> 00:00:58.436
But assuming you will be

00:00:58.436 --> 00:01:01.356
in the 24% marginal tax
bracket-you will need

00:01:01.356 --> 00:01:05.986
to withdrawal significantly
more to net $250,000 in income.

00:01:06.286 --> 00:01:09.756
In scenario two, you could take
less from tax-deferred assets

00:01:09.876 --> 00:01:12.796
to lower your marginal
tax rate to 22%.

00:01:12.796 --> 00:01:16.766
And then draw from taxable
accounts (assuming a 15% capital

00:01:16.766 --> 00:01:18.716
gains tax rate) to
make up the rest

00:01:18.716 --> 00:01:22.096
of the needed income-lowering
your overall tax liability.

00:01:22.096 --> 00:01:24.856
In scenario three,
adding withdrawals

00:01:24.856 --> 00:01:28.266
from tax-advantaged accounts
can help further manage your tax

00:01:28.266 --> 00:01:29.546
liability in retirement.

00:01:29.756 --> 00:01:32.626
A Roth IRA can provide
a tax-advantaged source

00:01:32.626 --> 00:01:35.426
of retirement income, but
because of income restrictions,

00:01:35.866 --> 00:01:38.396
you may be limited in
what you can contribute.

00:01:38.396 --> 00:01:40.116
Life insurance is
another option,

00:01:40.366 --> 00:01:42.796
especially if you are not
planning to retire for ten

00:01:42.796 --> 00:01:45.386
or more years and need
death benefit protection.

00:01:45.606 --> 00:01:48.686
Here's how it works: You
fully fund the policy

00:01:48.686 --> 00:01:49.466
with your premiums.

00:01:49.806 --> 00:01:53.346
Over time, your cash value
accumulates tax-deferred.

00:01:53.596 --> 00:01:56.566
Once you reach retirement
you can access the cash value

00:01:56.566 --> 00:01:59.926
through loans and withdrawals
(typically income-tax-free)

00:01:59.996 --> 00:02:03.066
to supplement retirement
income when you need it.

00:02:03.066 --> 00:02:03.886
And, at your death,

00:02:04.276 --> 00:02:07.096
the remaining life insurance
death benefit net of loans

00:02:07.096 --> 00:02:10.276
and withdrawals will be paid,
typically income-tax-free,

00:02:10.276 --> 00:02:11.376
to your beneficiaries.

00:02:11.596 --> 00:02:12.696
Using life insurance

00:02:12.696 --> 00:02:15.446
to supplement your retirement
income you could potentially pay

00:02:15.446 --> 00:02:19.366
less in taxes versus the other
two scenarios-helping you keep

00:02:19.366 --> 00:02:20.276
more of what you save.

00:02:20.706 --> 00:02:22.796
To learn more about how
this strategy might fit

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into your protection and
retirement income plans talk

00:02:25.686 --> 00:02:31.426
to your financial advisor.