[Leo – On Cam]

[Super: Leo Walker, CPWA®/ Senior Financial Advisor with RNDIP below]


Markets change. It’s happening now. And it’s going to happen again.  Like earthquakes, it’s not a matter of if, it’s when. That's why we work to help you prepare for these changes.[LW1] 


Just as you’d prepare for any natural disaster, with things like canned food, water and flashlights – your cash on hand can help you cover living expenses during these down times.

And with the right mix of stocks and bonds, I believe your investments for your long-term goals, can stay on track.[LW2] 


What’s key now, is to have a plan. 


When the market starts going south… It's easy to panic.

I hear from a lot of people who -- the moment the market dips -- want to immediately sell their stocks.

They want to get out and get to safety. I get it. We are actually hardwired to respond in that way, but that doesn’t mean it is the right thing to do


It’s important to not let your emotions take over. Ride it out. Remember to focus on the plan. 


It’s like learning to play golf. The objective is to hit the ball far & towards your target --  your natural human instinct tells you to swing as hard as you can. But in golf -- you get the opposite effect by taking that approach. If you’re patient, have a very good coach, work on your form, and swing with a good tempo… the ball will likely go farther than you imagined and usually toward the target. 


Investing is just that…Doing the exact opposite of what your instinct tells you to do. Following the plan and weathering the storm. 


I’ve experienced many market changes and it’s been my experience that patience usually pays off.


Have questions? Let’s talk.

Your time is precious. Let’s make it count.


[Social Tease: When the market dips, you don’t want to listen to your human instinct, which usually tells you to sell, and get out.

It can be hard, I know.

Here’s some advice to ride out the storm:  ]

[Broker Dealer disclosure]

 [LW1]This is giving away “What’s key now, is to have a plan”   which is highlighted in green.  You are putting the cart before the horse now.

 [LW2]The change you requested on this sentence makes it unintelligible

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