First Vice President - Investment Officer, PIM Portfolio Manager
Unconstrained thinking. Freedom from benchmarks and working across all asset boundaries. Constructing a portfolio that attempts to only own “what's working now” and not mandated to own other asset classes “just because” they are supposed to offer diversification. Why own international stocks if they have underperformed for the last five years? I see no benefit to the traditional pie chart asset allocations that I believe provides a false sense that one is doing the right thing. Why not own an account with investments screened from ALL investable assets classes and reduced down to the handful that are currently performing the best? And when one ceases to perform - replace it with the next strong trend. It may be time to re-think your approach to portfolio allocation. There is much more available than a colorful pie chart and a stagnant process.
Of equal importance, and again an area where there is great need for an insightful approach and a deep understanding is the topic of taking income from retirement assets. I am impassioned on this topic and encourage you to read my article that wholly address the flaws and solutions as I see them. For a detailed report, see the following: It Works Until It Doesn't →
I welcome the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how I might offer you the relevant wisdom you knew was out there, but were not getting elsewhere.