Individuals and Families

The Bass Foley Group works with individuals and families who require comprehensive wealth management and serves as dedicated partners and trusted advocates of each family’s wealth. Although all clients are unique, all benefit from the complementary perspectives that leverage the team’s skills, insights and experiences to provide custom-tailored solutions.

PERPARING FOR RETIREMENT  AAA-indvid-families-iStock-687989200.jpg

After years of working and saving, it’s time to prepare for retirement. Even if the markets are volatile, it’s important to have a well-designed retirement strategy and risk-managed investment approach.  Planning ahead will go a long way to achieving an enjoyable retirement.

The Bass Foley Group helps clients:

  • Adjust investment strategies as retirement approaches

  • Identify the best timing for incorporating pension and Social Security income streams

  • Determine an optimal Social Security claiming strategy

  • Reduce the effects of market volatility as retirement nears

  • Prepare for rising healthcare costs in retirement