We create investment strategies and build portfolios with your future in mind, focused on where you want to go and how to get you there with the least amount of risk.
Fundamental Choice Portfolio Manager
Adamo S. Calistri is a Fundamental Choice Portfolio Manager. His in-depth training allows him to manage client portfolios in a discretionary manner, guided closely by technical and fundamental analysis including incorporating the research recommendations and collective insights of Wells Fargo Securities and external research firms.
Each portfolio follows an investment plan customized to the client's needs, their cash flow and liquidity needs, and tax situation. The portfolio may represent a blend of stocks, cash alternatives, exchange-traded funds, and mutual funds.
Because asset allocation is a main driver of a portfolio’s return, we aim to balance risk and reward, make tactical over- and underweights on certain sectors, and follow a disciplined buy/sell strategy.
The Fundamental Choice program is not designed for excessively traded or inactive accounts and is not appropriate for all investors. Please carefully review the Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network advisory disclosure document for a full description of our services. The minimum account size for this program is $50,000.Asset allocation and diversification are investment methods used to help manage risk. They do not guarantee investment returns or eliminate risk of loss including in a declining market.Wells Fargo Advisors is not a legal or tax advisor.