Our Process and Philosophy

Our Process and Philosophy

A comprehensive investment process


Discover who you are by…

·         listening to you about your goals now and for the future, your perspective on risk and liquidity needs.
·         gathering your information and documentation.
·         opening dialogues with your accountant, estate attorney or other financial professionals, if needed. 

Propose a strategy for you by….

·         using the information, you have confided in us to create a personalized plan tailored just for you.
·         finding an investment portfolio designed for you.
·         working together and schedule updates and/or reviews based on your needs.

Implement your plan by…

·       acquiring your approval of your proposed plan.
·         phasing in the investment recommendations meant for you.
·         reviewing your client statements and goals as needed.


Review your progress by…

·         making sure we are addressing your goals and the plan.
·         adjusting the plan investments when needed.
·         helping you navigate life changing events to keep your goals on track.

Our consistent and enduring investment beliefs

We will continue to have a bull and bear market and as we do these principles will guide our investment decisions in all markets.

Tax-efficient investing

Alignment with the plan

Maintaining objectivity

Manage risks
Be cost conscious

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