Online Services

Access to investments, account statements, market information and research is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week through Access Online.1

Access Your Investments

Whether you have one or multiple accounts, Access Online provides real-time access to:

  • Determine equity, securities market, and cash values on one account or your entire household with the Account Summary.
  • Review details on Balances for cash, securities market value and the buying power associated with your account(s).
  • Get detailed Portfolio information, including Holdings, Unrealized Gains/Losses, and Annual Income (categorized and sub-totaled by stocks, fixed-income, mutual funds, and more) for each account or for your account household, or choose from 20 data elements to customize your Portfolio view to what you would like to see.
  • Assess transaction Activity with advanced filtering criteria.
  • Monitor the diversity of Asset Allocation organized by primary asset classes.
  • View comprehensive information on Realized Gains/Losses for the current or previous year.
  • Get consolidated real-time market details on balances, asset allocation and holdings for one or multiple accounts with a Portfolio Report.
  • Reduce paper clutter and get secure, convenient access to Statements/Confirms/Tax Docs online.
  • View balances, holdings, and transactions in Quicken®, Microsoft® Money or Excel through Account Download.

Please contact your Financial Advisor if you are interested in Online Trading for any of your accounts.2

1:During times of high volume of trading at the market opening, or intra-day, clients may experience delays in system access, or execution at prices significantly away from the market price quoted or displayed at the time the order was entered.