My Philosophy

    • Your best interest is our best interest. To help ensure this, we provide advisory based services rather than the conventional commission-based account1
    • I believe that the unpredictable nature of the investment markets commands a broad-based strategy to balance risk with potential returns. This strategy features asset allocation2 as the basis for investor/advisor decision-making.
    • I believe in empowering the client with online investment tools, using technology to its fullest benefit, along with a clear, advisory based approach.
    • I advocate the use of alternative investments and strategies when appropriate to potentially reduce portfolio risk and increase portfolio income.3

    1 Advisory based accounts may not be appropriate for all investors.
    2 Asset allocation can not eliminate the risk of fluctuating prices and uncertain returns.
    3 Alternative investments carry specific investor qualifications which can include high income and net-worth requirements as well as relatively high investment minimums. They are complex investment vehicles which generally have high costs and substantial risks. The high expenses often associated with these investments must be offset by trading profits and other income. They tend to be more volatile than other types of investments and present an increased risk of investment loss. There may also be a lack of transparency as to the underlying assets. Alternative investments are subject to fewer regulatory requirements than mutual funds and other registered investment company products and thus may offer investors fewer legal protections than they would have with more traditional investments. Additionally, there may be no secondary market for alternative investment interests and transferability may be limited or even prohibited. Other risks may apply as well, depending on the specific investment product.

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