A Goal-Oriented Planning Process

Our structured process gives you a detailed assessment of your current financial situation and a customized plan designed to help you achieve your goals. As we build our relationship going forward, we provide continued guidance across all aspects of your financial life and help you adapt to your changing circumstances and objectives.

1 Discover.png

  • Understand your financial goals, challenges and preferences
  • Gather financial statements
  • Open dialogues with your accountant and attorney, if appropriate

2 Propose.png

  • Introduce and explain the planning process
  • Develop a personalized investment plan
  • Design an investment portfolio
  • Create a schedule for ongoing meetings

3 Implement.png

  • Gather personal information to open accounts
  • Establish accounts
  • Invest portfolio according to agreed-upon plan
  • Establish website access
  • Review forthcoming client statements

4 REVIEW.png

  • Evaluate your progress according to the plan
  • Adjust the plan and investments as needed
  • Inform you, your accountant and your attorney of notable developments
  • Help you navigate timely investment and tax-related opportunities

Our Core Investment Beliefs

Goals-based approach ROW 1.png
Objective investment recommendations ROW 2.png
Straight-forward costs ROW 3.png