We’re Invested in Your Future

We’re Invested in Your Future Wells Fargo Advisors’ eMoney planning process is designed to help bring clarity to your financial life. It helps you align your financial life with your real life. We use the eMoney process as a life planning tool to help you: • Explore your life goals • Plan your investments around benchmarks that hold real meaning for you • Review progress towards your goals

Cultivate Your Dreams

We serve individuals, professionals, and business owners. We don’t have one type of client, just like we don’t have one type of portfolio.

Whether you’re 18 or 80, just starting your career or seeking to retire, want to buy your dream house or leave a legacy to your family, we are here to serve you. 

How We Serve

The most successful partnerships are built on mutual trust, respect, and commitment, so that is how we work with our clients.

What We Will Do for You

We will perform the services you request consistently and responsibly. We will be available when you need us and treat you with respect, honesty, and dignity.

We will:
  • Act as your advisor, putting your interests first
  • Strive to acquire a complete and accurate understanding of your goals, your comfort level for investment risk, and your timeframe
  • Explain the reasoning behind our strategies
  • Update you by email, mail, and phone
  • Meet with you to conduct strategic reviews

How You Can Help Us

You can help us do our job best by bringing the following to the table:
  • Trust
  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Sincerity
  • Commitment

Our recommendations are always based on your best interests. The advice we give will be based on the information you provide to us, so your active participation in the investment planning process is essential.

How We Can Help Each Other

Working together is at the heart of effective investment planning.

Together, let’s:
  • Keep each other informed of any new developments that might affect your investment strategy
  • Take the time to review the progress toward reaching your financial goals.
  • Be honest and forthcoming about your financial situation
  • Work to develop mutual trust, respect, and understanding