We're Ready to Listen!

It is our mission to forge long-term relationships with our clients that span generations, relationships built on honesty, integrity, and trust. Share with us someone important to you needing our help!

We're Here for Your Friends and Family

Our Referral Process

You may have noticed we seldom, if ever, ask you for introductions to your friends or family.  Our reluctance to ask you for introductions is purely a reflection of the value we place on our relationship with you.  Under no circumstances do we ever want to make you feel obligated to us.  However, over the course of our relationship, you may encounter people you know who are going through critical financial events, who are dissatisfied with advice they are receiving elsewhere, or who are just uncertain about the economy.  We will ALWAYS make time to meet with the people who are important to you.

If someone is important to our clients, then they are important to us too.  Should you ever encounter this situation, we will be happy to act as a sounding board for your friends and family.  If they are not a good fit for us or we are not a good fit for them, we will do everything we can to point them in the direction that is most beneficial to them.

It’s a happy fact that referrals from our existing clients often become our best new clients!