Investment planning process

1. Understand

What are the things I value most?

In this process, I’ll seek to uncover what jobs you need your money to do, where you are in your financial life, and discover what you truly value. I have the knowledge, experience, and ability to uncover what is important to you and guide you through the necessary process to help you reach your desired outcome.

2. Plan 

How can my money make the most impact?

Are you focused on growing your assets, thinking about a transition plan, or perhaps interested in making an impact in your community? Whatever the goal, the planning please helps you think about money in more deliberate ways. I’ll guide you toward outcomes that make the most impact based on their objectives. I utilize best-in-class technology that enables us to aggregate all aspects of your wealth into a broad-based, full balance sheet plan that aligns with your values and evolves as your life, goals, and interests change.

3. Propose

What are my options and how do they play out?

I’ll provide and review your opportunities and options that can deliver on your goals. This is where, through simulated scenarios, you get to see the real impact decisions can have on your plans and can examine the outcomes of your individual circumstances. We have deep subject matter experts to provide carefully curated information, advice, and resources to support unique financial needs across the wealth spectrum to help you make better, informed financial decisions.

4. Implement 

What is my best next step?

Values have been discussed, intentions crystalized, and scenarios explored. Now it’s time to take action. In this stage, I tap into the vast array of solutions to build a step-by-step plan to realize your goals. I have access to distinctive services and extensive product solutions to meet your needs over the course of a lifetime. Examples include:

• Portfolio review and analysis
• Loans and customized credit
• Retirement and cash flow planning
• Social Security & Medicare education
• Insurance evaluation
• Estate and wealth transfer planning
• Business valuation and transition planning
• Charitable giving and philanthropic strategies
• Executive compensation planning
• Education planning
• Family education, culture, and stewardship meetings
• Family enterprise governance, and business transitions
• Family and business history research
• Family Office financial administration

5. Revisit 

Am I still on track?

LifeSync is not a set-it-and-forget-it experience. I am constantly revisiting to ensure your overall plan is either still tracking to the original goals, or whether it needs to be adjusted to accommodate new goals or unexpected life events. I’m here to help you over the long-term to advise you and update your plan through life changes and as your needs shift. This is delivered by regular discussions and performance reviews.

Resources available through LifeSync

While working with me, you gain access to resources through Wells Fargo Advisors that support your experience. Tailored to your specific needs, we can utilize these resources to help you make the right decisions at just the right moments:

Access to dedicated specialists

When your situation calls for focused guidance on a specific topic, I can bring in expertise from Wells Fargo Bank specialists from areas such as:

• Wealth and legacy planning
• Investment and asset management
• Banking services
• Trust services
• Estate services
• Philanthropic services
• Wealth and family culture services
• Business owner advisory services

Account Aggregator

A secure tool that can help you understand your financial picture by capturing a view of your assets and liabilities in one place.


An interactive planning tool that elevates collaboration between us and fosters a more complete path for how you can reach your goals.

At every point in the process, I answer your questions and address your concerns as they arise.

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