Managing your income in retirement

Retirement income planning involves creating an income stream using your various sources of income in retirement. Whether you’re approaching retirement or already in it, we can help you create a retirement income strategy designed to get you through retirement without depleting your assets.

Creating a personalized retirement income strategy begins with analyzing your income sources:

  • Employer-sponsored retirement plans such as 401(k), 403(b), and 457 plans

  • Traditional and Roth IRAs

  • Taxable investment accounts

  • Social Security

  • Pensions

  • Annuities

We consider how income from these sources will cover your essential and discretionary expenses and help you determine the monthly income you’ll need in retirement. When determining your personalized retirement income plan, we consider inflation other important factors such as:


Social Security

Social Security represents only a portion of your retirement income and the amount you receive each month is dependent on, among other things, how long you’ve worked, your lifetime earnings, and when you start taking your benefit. We will analyze your situation and help you maximize your Social Security benefits.


Life Expectancy

While nobody can predict how long they’ll live, it’s a good rule of thumb to plan for at least 20 years in retirement. We factor in your family history and personal health and employ strategies to help ensure your assets last as long as long as you do.