Being named as the executor of an estate is generally an honor but settling an estate can be a difficult and time-consuming job. This article provides an overview of typical executor responsibilities.
Individual bonds and bond funds can both provide an income stream, but there are important differences. This article provides an overview of these two types of investments.
A family limited partnership is a legal agreement that enables business owners and their heirs to address succession, estate, and tax planning needs, all at once.
Purchasing a fixed annuity shifts the risk for future investment returns to the insurance company and could help create a pension-like income stream for retirement.
Naming a life insurance policy’s beneficiaries should be a relatively simple task, but there are some situations that can lead to unintended and adverse consequences.
Investing Internationally can help increase portfolio diversification and provide access to opportunities that may differ from those in the United States.
This article looks at the importance of productivity to the U.S. economy, possible contributing factors to the recent surge, and the prospects for an extended period of strong productivity growth.
The findings of two recent academic studies may offer insight into how investors can make more fruitful financial decisions.
Couples who have opposite philosophies regarding saving and spending often have trouble finding common ground. This article offers some tips to learn to work with financial differences.
This article presents the IRS’ cost-of-living adjustments for 2024 that affect contribution limits for retirement plans and various tax deduction, exclusion, exemption, and threshold amounts.
High-income participants will not be allowed to make pre-tax catch-up contributions to a traditional 401(k) or similar plan starting in 2026, but they will be able to contribute to a workplace Roth.
This article outlines the Federal Reserve’s three main objectives and provides the meeting schedule of the Federal Open Market Committee.