For the people my clients care about the most
When a family member or friend of yours has questions about their wealth planning, and you think they could benefit from the type of work we have done together, we are happy to meet with them.
Delivering a personalized experience
We take them through the same experience you had, with a conversation to get a clear understanding of where they are now and where they'd like to go. We will gather data for our planning process that’s designed to give them a better perception of their financial situation.
Helping them make informed decisions
We will present and discuss the results from the planning process. We will explain any gaps that need to be filled, answer any questions and discuss their current plan and potential next steps.
No obligation or cost
As you know, we work only with clients for whom we believe we can make a major impact. So, if the relationship is a good fit, we will begin that process. If they do consider switching financial advisors and we are not a good fit, we will be happy to point them in the right direction for a financial advisor who can work with them more effectively.