Investment Philosophy and Wealth Management Mission

Working together with the client, Gary J. Swartz, Jr. formulates an investment policy statement, builds a comprehensive asset allocation plan to match risk parameters, and allocates funds within each asset class to specific investment management styles.

Our Philosophy

Gary’s philosophy is guided by his mission is to help his clients manage their financial affairs by working with them to make sound investment planning decisions to help build, manage and preserve their financial assets by:

  • Giving advice within the context of the client’s entire holdings, not just with the knowledge of an isolated investment account
  • Engaging in regular client communication through quarterly meetings and updates, full annual reviews, performance reports and other meetings as needed
  • Using a customized approach that considers suitability for the client’s unique situation, risk analysis and goals to develop a cohesive Investment Policy Statement that serves as the basis for all investment selections

Our team's investment philosophy is grounded in a time-tested approach to wealth management delivered within the context of a client’s total financial picture.