The Investment Planning Process

We view investment planning as an ongoing process to help you attain financial independence and to achieve your goals. One of the most fulfilling things we do as a team is helping people make informed decisions. We truly enjoy seeing someone make a decision and begin to face their future with anticipation rather than apprehension.

An investment plan is a roadmap to help you get from where you are today financially to where you want to be in the future. We will create this roadmap together.

Instead of pushing prospective clients into making a decision, we want to engage and empower them.  We emphasize the importance of establishing a relationship based on "fit", rather than one based on pressure and urgency.

The first step is to clarify and prioritize your long-term financial goals. What do you want to accomplish in life, and which of those things are most and least important to you? Critical Financial Events are anything and everything that pertains to and affects your finances either now or in the future. They are sometime predictable, but are often random and unexpected. We still need to plan for them all. Our purpose is to help cushion the effects of the Critical Financial Events in your life so you stay on track and reach your financial goals and objectives.

Within each goal, you will decide what your ideal outcome would be. If you cannot afford the ideal, what would be acceptable? This is not a "worse case" scenario; it's what you'd be comfortable with if reaching your ideal appears unrealistic. By prioritizing your goals and identifying your ideal and acceptable outcomes, we believe we can craft a plan that you'll be happy with.

We do this by first examining your current financial situation. Just as a doctor takes your medical history before making any treatment recommendations, we need to have a complete understanding of your financial health before giving you any advice. Based on this information, we propose a series of investment strategies. We explain the options available to you and discuss the implications of each one. Out clients need to understand how each option will affect their financial affairs now and in the future. We then suggest the approaches that will help you meet your needs, and we implement the strategies we agree upon.

Because this is a process, our collaborative, comprehensive approach allows you to monitor where you are at any point. We will meet together to help ensure your plan stays up-to-date and includes any changes that occur. These changes could include both life events and market events.

Click HERE to learn more about that first meeting.