

We provide a comprehensive analysis of your overall financial picture - including working to optimize the value of your compensation package and executive benefits - and can help identify and implement the appropriate solutions, services and strategies for your situation.

  • How do I evaluate my professional risk? BBB-executives.jpg
  • How do I integrate my stock options into my overall wealth plan?
  • How can I better diversify my concentrated, restricted or controlled stock positions?
  • I need a professional experienced in liability and liquidity management.
  • How do I best plan for my child's educational expenses?
  • Is my insurance and risk management plan appropriate?
  • I need assistance with planning for a future liquidity event.
  • How do I ensure my trust and estate is properly set up to pass on my assets to my children or grandchildren?

Our team understands the challenges faced by corporate executives and strive to meet your unique needs and goals.

Wells Fargo Advisors and its affiliates do not provide legal or tax advice. Any estate plan should be reviewed by an attorney who specializes in estate planning and is licensed to practice law in your state. Insurance products are offered through nonbank insurance agency affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company and are underwritten by unaffiliated insurance companies.