Our Process


Discussions about money- whether between spouses; parents and their children; business partners and employees; between people and their financial advisors – can be difficult. Talking about money can be complicated, embarrassing, and messy.  The message sent can be unclear, judgmental, or misinterpreted.

That is why our goals-based investment planning process always begins with humble inquiry, not an interrogation. We are sincerely and genuinely interested in our clients. Understanding each client’s unique situation, is a critical starting point to rendering sound financial advice and counsel.

Personal Communication

Contrary to how many financial firms are delivering their services with increased emphasis on technology, automation, and artificial intelligence, we remain steadfast in honoring and strengthening the value of personal relationships with our clients.

Of course, we utilize innovative technology and automation to increase efficiency and productivity; however, the one true differentiator in financial services is personal communication, the cornerstone of all successful financial relationships. That is something no robo-advisor can emulate, and sadly too many financial advisors deem unimportant.