Our Five-Step Journey

Step 1: Discovery Meeting

In our first meeting, we work with you to gain a complete understanding of your financial situation. We identify your goals, values, and priorities as well as your risk tolerance as it relates to your financial situation.

Step 2: Goal Achievement Analysis and Strategy

By incorporating your investment objectives, we will create a sound strategy built around your time horizon, risk tolerance and income needs.

Step 3: Wealth Management and Investment Strategy Meeting

In our second meeting together, we sit down with you to present our investment strategy recommendations. We review the recommendations and our analysis of current market trends and opportunities, and then answer any questions you may have. During this meeting, we will also map out comprehensive goals for estate and risk management, education saving strategies, and intergenerational and philanthropic planning.

Step 4: Execution of Your Investment Strategy and Plan

After reviewing your custom-tailored plans, we will implement your unique strategies and coordinate with your other professional advisors as needed.

Step 5: Tracking Your Plan

We regularly evaluate the performance of your investments in light of current economic conditions and reallocate your portfolio as necessary to ensure your needs and expectations are being met. We also meet with you regularly to review any changes in your life strategy and adjust your plan as necessary. As part of our process, we use a tool called eMoney which allows us to not only track your plan's progress but also make on-the-fly adjustments and even do "test-runs" of different goals to find out how they will play out over time within your plan. To find out more about eMoney click the button below.

bridge through green grass


Learn more about one of the detailed tools we use to build and track your customized investment plan