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We are focused on leveraging disruptive innovation in the quest to stair-step investors’ wealth and boost the financial sustainability of their portfolios regardless of the gyrations of the market and the vagaries of the economy.

Welcome to our website!

It is a window into the workings of our practice and a magnifying glass for breakthrough portfolio management and sophisticated strategic wealth advisory.

Humans have been investing for… ever. For the last 70 years, we have done it with increasing systematicity and rigor through three waves of evolution in finance theory and investment practice.

Today, virtually all invested capital is powered by the thinking and solutions introduced in those three generations.

However, since the 2010s, several threads of disruptive innovation have come together, crossing over into a 4th generation. Our practice has been one of the pioneers of this advancement and still offers one of the few platforms with the know-how for 4th-Gen investing that is broadly open to investors.

The benefits? A three-way edge that, over full market cycles, allows us to target a potential higher upside and lower downside capture, plus higher tax efficiency.

More broadly, our offering ushers in a different understanding of invested capital and capital markets, as well as a realistic and actionable treatment of investment risk. All this adds to an evolved understanding of wealth management that is simultaneously intuitive and unorthodox while maintaining a market-adaptive, risk-controlled, and tax-aware orientation.

Our 4th-Gen approach brings together decades of academic preparation and nearly three quarters of a century of collective capital markets experience.

We invite you to explore our offering across the website and get in touch with us.

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A highly-credentialled team with nearly a century of venerable capital markets tenure and extensive quantitative training. Through our experience in academia, corporate finance, and portfolio management, we are uniquely qualified to serve as stewards of your wealth.

> Meet the Team 

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We have made Wealth Management inspiring, accountable, and laser-focused:

  • Our Mission: Not only Safeguard but Grow your Wealth—Responsibly, Sustainably, and Aspirationally
  • Our Wealth Management Approach: Fueled by Innovation, Rooted in Respect
  • Our Investment Philosophy: Rules-Based, Market-Adaptive, Risk-Controlled & Tax-Aware
> See the Difference
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Traditional, conventional, and legacy offerings have not withstood well the test of time and are facing increasingly larger challenges. The key tenets of our approach go beyond Pie-Chart investing and give us an edge:

  • Markets are Regimes and Investing is about their Successful Navigation
  • Turning Risk Mitigation into Win-Win
  • Practicing Vigilance by Minding the Right Errors
  • AftCast—Planning Done Right
> Explore our Edge
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The 20th century saw investment theory and practice evolved through three generations of advancements. They are reflected, in various degrees, in most traditional wealth management offerings.

We are active participants in the evolution of investment thought and practice, and our innovative strategies are leading offsprings of the 4th Generation that is emerging in the 21st century.

> Join us at the Frontier

Since 2000, investors have been forced to negotiate two major bear markets (2000, 2008), a crash (2020), multiple destabilizing corrections, and now a generational return to high inflation.

Such pronounced stresses present formidable challenges to conventional, traditional, and legacy wealth management approaches with the potential to derail investors.

In contrast, our approach is squarely focused on managing market-regime shifts, offering investors a rules-based, market-adaptive, risk-controlled, and tax-aware path to economic sustainability.

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Exclusive Invitation

Use the form to the right to reach out to us for:

  • a revealing triage of your existing portfolio
  • an innovative rethink of your financial plan.
You'll be glad you did!