
At GNH Capital Group we believe that, while capital markets are our civilization’s most powerful engine of wealth creation, they are not necessarily benign or benevolent at all times. Moreover, the markets can behave in ways that are atypical to their long-run historical averages during the investors’ particular tenure.

Owning to that, we make it a point to remain unbiased and agnostic. We eschew the temptation to forecast the markets. Instead, we practice watchful adaptation and vigilant risk management—two modalities that human intelligence excels in. Such an unconstrained investment orientation goes beyond Wall Street’s “pie-chart” portfolios, and we believe it gives investors a decisive edge.

What our Portfolios are Not About — and Why:

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  • Markets are not constantly random
  • Asset class payouts are not stable or predictable over time but vary by market regime
  • Markets are not continuously trending, and most shifts end up being transient and mean-reverting, reflecting pure market noise and exposing investors to whipsaw risk, friction costs, and tax inefficiencies
  • Mosaic portfolios positioned for all eventualities are dilutive and blind to actual market-regime shifts
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  • Buy-&-Hold or Blanket Indexing
  • Strategic Asset Allocation
  • Tactical Asset Rotation & Market Timing
  • Endowment Style / Matrix Investing

What are our Portfolios are all About?! Visit Our Portfolios