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A Private Dinner with Darrell L. Cronk, CFA
President of Wells investment Institute & Chief Investment Officer at Wells Fargo & Co.
Guest enjoyed a small private roundtable discussion at our New York Headquarters discussing the markets, the economy, and the potential impacts for investors.

The Art of Investing
Guest were invited to a private guided tour with our hand-picked art expert to explore one of the MET's new exhibits followed by luncheon and discussion on the markets at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Driving Innovation
Guests joined us for a discussion on market disrupters and innovations in the markets. Immediately following, clients were invited to join the Tesla Driving Experience by test driving Teslas.

Investing Women's Breakfast at the Championship
Guests were escorted by golf carts to a private breakfast for Investing Women engaging with leaders in banking, philanthropy and golf. After the morning kick-off breakfast, guests enjoyed watching world-class golf at the Championship.