Our Process


This is the process where we seek to uncover who our clients are. Where are they in life? What jobs do they need their money to do? The understanding process is where we discover the things our clients truly value.


What was uncovered in the Understanding phase? Does the client want to focus on growing their assets? Or are they thinking about a transition plan? Maybe they want to make an impact in the community. Whatever the goal, the Planning phase helps people think about their money in more deliberate ways, guiding them toward outcomes that make the most impact based on their personal wants and needs. Every client’s situation is different, and we are here to plan for today, tomorrow and the decades to come.


This phase brings it all together. Opportunities that have emerged so far are now explored, and options are provided that can deliver on their goals, whether it’s purchasing a home, paying for college, or throwing a fairy-tale wedding. This is where people, through simulated scenarios, get to see the real impact decisions can have on their plans.


Values have been discussed, intentions crystalized, and scenarios explored. Now its time to act. In this stage, we will work with our clients using our array of solutions to build a step-by-step plan to realize your goals. In the end, we are all on the same page as to what needs to be done next-and why.


Life changes, and we are here to guide you through the ups and downs in life. Creating a plan and investment strategy is not a set-it-and-forget-it experience. Clients will experience change, its in human nature. Whether the changes stem from buying a new home, changing jobs, selling a business, growing their family, life changes. Their goals may change as their life changes as well. We revisit our plan with clients at least once a year to help ensure it’s still tracking to their original goals or needs to be adjusted to accommodate new life events.