Fiduciary ServicesAs your Fiduciary Advisor our team will equip you with a thorough understanding of your Fiduciary responsibilities and implement prudent governance processes to fulfill your duties. Leveraging best practices we will actively lead you through a consistent, repeatable and documented process for items such as investment management, service provider searches and reviews, independent plan cost and services benchmarking, alignment of service agreements, and internal controls and plan operations through coordination with your plan’s service providers. Our team is independent from all investment managers, record-keepers and third party administrators which allows us to serve our clients free from any conflict of interest and with complete transparency.*FS1, *FS2 Start the Conversation > |
Investment ServicesOur team will assist you to develop a comprehensive investment program including plan menu design, investment policy statement, investment manager selection and ongoing due diligence processes and investment analytic reporting. Our firm’s global manager research capabilities are extensive and include both operational and investment due diligence, which we believe lead to better investment outcomes for your employees. Start the Conversation > |
Plan DesignBy utilizing best practices and behavior finance research we assist our clients to thoughtfully design their plan in order to seek better outcomes for their employees and improve their administrative efficiency. The goal is to enable employees to retire on time and replace a meaningful amount of their paycheck. Plan Documents should be reviewed and analyzed on a regular basis taking into consideration the most up to date features, benefits and best practices to help ensure your plan is competitive in the marketplace and being utilized to its fullest potential. Start the Conversation > |
Financial WellnessFinancial wellness goes well beyond the basic enrollment meeting. Rather than focusing only on one single aspect, our team takes a holistic approach and is fully equipped to address your employees’ complete financial situation. Our clients and their employees have unique cultures and such we believe deserve a customized financial wellness strategy. Whether individual one-on-one meetings, group meetings, webinars, conference calls, on-site meetings or meetings at our offices we will help you design and implement a customized communication and wellness strategy. Start the Conversation > |