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Parking Validation

Parking validation during your visit:
Parking will be validated for the parking structure directly behind, east of the Citizen’s Building (KeyBank). Now parking will also be validated for the lot next to Ambrosia at Broadway and Pearl. Choose any non-reserved spot to park. When you leave our office, we give you a business card with validation on it. If you receive a parking ticket, put your validation in the envelope, and drop in the box. The ticket will be negated.

Here are other options for parking during your visit:
The Over Park is located across Oak Street. The first hour is free, we do not validate for that parking structure. On the street directly in front of the building is metered parking we are happy to provide quarters for.

Contact us

Continuity Group of Wells Fargo Advisors
975 OAK ST, SUITE 1080
Eugene, OR 97401

Phone: (877) 778-9508

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