My name is Jerry Rouleau, I’ve been a financial advisor with

Wells Fargo Advisors now for 33 going on 34 years.


Started here when I was you know 21 years old and

I’ve been here you know, been here essentially my whole life.


I am also the branch manager so I have been on the

management side now for about 20 years.


So it’s been fun you know coaching and teaching financial advisors

and at the same time helping build our team and our practice.


For me I don’t necessarily relax, I just find something different to do.

I like to do stuff that is probably a little bit more immediate?


It’s nice to start something, weld something, and say hey

I started this and look at what I did with my hands.


And so you get some immediate gratification,

anything I can kind of keep score with and track myself it’s,

you know that is kind of my mentality.


I grew up with my dad, we always had a project,

we were always building a wall, a fence, painting something.


You know I always kind of thought well I’m not going to do that when I get older,

and now I’ve found myself kind of doing the same thing.


I like doing something that when I start at the beginning of the day

and I end, I can see what I accomplished.


It’s harder to do that when we are doing it with clients,

because our time frame is 20, 30, 40, 50 years.


People work with you because they trust you and they know that you care about them.


What we strive to do better then anybody else is listen.


It really is about aligning their dreams and life goals with their investments,

and having us help them get there.


And so we really work hard at you know, listening first,

working back and forth with them to come up with solutions that they are comfortable with.

It’s really about us building relationships with people


and knowing that you know we have their back.