Our Commitment to Community

Over a lifetime as a Financial Advisor, Peg Moore has been led by her values and beliefs – and her roots as a former educator – to seek opportunities to advance her and her team’s outreach to the community.

Michigan Theater

Michigan Theater

We believe wealth is not solely a measure of accumulated financial assets, but also includes relationships, family, friends, and the communities where we live. The Theater embodies this spirit and is a historic gathering place, dating back to the civil war era – part of the very fabric of the community of Ann Arbor, MI. It’s a place for family and friends, old and young, where strangers become friends. Our team sponsors the Summer Classic Series along with the White Christmas sing-along. In the past, the team has sponsored and participated in other sing-alongs including Mary Poppins, Grease, and Frozen. Contact the team for additional details, including complimentary tickets to movies at the State and Michigan Theaters. www.michtheater.org

American Cancer Society

American Cancer Society

Our team members have personal experience with cancer, as many of our clients, friends, and family members are survivors, and far too many have been taken from us too soon. Our team is honored to have been a sponsor, and we continue to participate in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and Relay for Life. Both events help support our community’s initiative to fight cancer and fund research to cure it. www.cancer.org
American Red Cross

American Red Cross

From disasters both natural and man-made, to biomedical needs and life-saving blood products, health and safety training, and support for our Armed Forces, the Global Red Cross movement is there. On local, state, regional, national, and global levels, the Red Cross tends to those in their greatest times of need, regardless of their age, color of their skin, background, or beliefs. As a member of the Red Cross Tiffany Circle and an active member of its National Council, Peg joins a community of women leaders throughout the nation and the world who advance the Red Cross mission through a focused investment of time, talent, and treasure through the women’s leadership circle of donors. www.redcross.org 
Alzheimer’s Association

Alzheimer’s Association

The fog of dementia, the chaos of the brain not quite working the way it used to, the sadness of watching as a loved one slips away while still being physically with you – it’s heart breaking. It’s real. It’s personal. Our team is on this journey both personally with family members and through our professional work with our clients. We support the Association in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s and The Longest Day, and Peg is a member of the Alois Society of MI Great Lakes Chapter. www.alz.org
Help for Our Disabled Troops

Help for Our Disabled Troops

A combat Veteran returning home as a multiple amputee or suffering from severe PTSD faces significant challenges. HFODT was a charitable organization that remodeled veterans’ homes to accommodate the physical changes and security needs of those service men and women. Sometimes it was as simple as riding a lawn mower, but other times it was specialized training of service dogs paired for the PTSD of the veteran. HFODT would pay travel, food, and lodging for the entire family to the Florida training facility where dogs and family members would bond and learn to work together. Mark served on the Board for HFODT for five years and in 2019, advised the President to close down the effort at peak viability and distribute remaining funds to pending veterans’ assistance projects already in the pipeline.
Fisher House

Fisher House

Mark and Peg are annual sponsors of Fisher House fundraising. Similar to a Ronald McDonald’s House and located adjacent to major military and VA medical centers, Fisher House serves catastrophically injured combat veterans who endure many months of surgeries and rehab on their path to recovery. The veterans spend their day at the hospital but return to their Fisher House apartment in the evening to live with their spouse and children. Providing the families a sense of normalcy has dramatically reduced rates of suicide and divorce. Together, the Ann Arbor and Detroit Fisher House will provide 11,680 night of free lodging annually, saving veterans and their families more than $1.5 million in out-of-pocket costs. www.fisherhouse.org
Washtenaw Community College

Washtenaw Community College

Washtenaw Community College is one of the premier institutions offering degree programs for students desiring a career in the trades. Mark and Peg have endowed two scholarships for veterans, one male and one female, pursuing Management B.S. Associate Degrees in areas like manufacturing and automotive, skilled trades and construction, and apprenticeship and union trades. Many veterans are a little older than traditional university students and are often supporting families as well. These scholarships not only enable them to work and study concurrently, but establish career opportunities that will enable them to own a home and educate children in the future. www.wccnet.edu
Please note that we are not responsible for the information contained on the listed Web sites. The sites are provided to you for information purposes only.
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Peg's Commitment

Taken together, Peg’s commitment to professional development and continuing education and serving her industry and community through leadership and service demonstrates the values, beliefs, and training on which the Stutzmann-Moore Wealth Management Group of Wells Fargo Advisors was founded.

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